
How To Upload More Than One File Python

Flask multiple files uploading

A Simple Guide to upload multiple files using Flask API and Python . . . ,

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Why this tutorial?

Afterwards seeing many people writing blogs near "Flask for Beginners" tutorial. I've noticed that, but a less number of blogs that said most the "Flask File Uploading". So, I took an involvement on writing about the "Flask file Uploading". I am sure this Blog walks yous to build the File uploading that makes you simple. . . ,

In my previous blog, said nearly "Uploading a unmarried file using python"

Now we volition acquire "How to transport multiple files of information using Flask". . . ,

Why Flask?

Django vs Flask is some other historic period-old debate. Let's deepdive in this,though people say Flask is simple and easy to get started with while Django is heavy for building web applications, in that location is another important reason why you should choose Flask over Django.

vectors past @pch-vector @iconicbestiary

Flask is like snorkeling whereas Django is scuba diving. Flask is light and like shooting fish in a barrel whereas Django is capable of preparing you to enter deeper waters.

Flask is a widely used micro web framework for creating APIs in Python. It is a simple yet powerful spider web framework which is designed to get started quick and like shooting fish in a barrel, with the ability to scale up to circuitous applications.

Django's tag is, The spider web framework for perfectionist with a borderline. Considering everything is built in, you don't need to bother yourself with creating the files and thinking well-nigh how you should structure your app. Information technology's all set up for you and you can immediately get started with building your app (Prax).

It really depends on what y'all're making, but if you're edifice a simple app, consider Flask

From the documentation,

"Micro" does not mean that your whole web application has to fit into a unmarried Python file (although it certainly can), nor does it mean that Flask is lacking in functionality. The "micro" in micro framework means Flask aims to proceed the core simple only extensible.

Requirements and Installation

  1. Of form, We need Python three.5 or higher up. But why?? come across this
  2. Install Flask
          pip install flask        

A Simple Flask Awarding

This stride is for beginners, If you know the basics of Flask, skip this. . . ,

A simple Flask application to run. . ,

          #          from flask import Flask           # import flask
app = Flask(__name__) # create an app example
@app.route("/") # at the terminate signal /
def hello(): # call method hello
return "Hello World!" # which returns "hello world"
if __name__ == "__main__": # on running python'',port = 5000) # run the flask app

Run the Awarding by running "python". Go to browser and type "http://localhost:5000", y'all volition meet"Hello World!" program is alive.

Get Started with Multiple Files Upload

File uploading is the process of transmitting the binary or normal files to the server. Flask facilitates united states to upload the files easily.

The server-side flask script fetches the file from the request object using request.files[] Object. On successfully uploading the file, it is saved to the desired location on the server.

In this, nosotros are going to upload a multiple "PNG" files and shop them in a particular folder.

You can upload any file and store it as y'all wish. . . ,

Likewise you can use this to transfer files from one system to another one. . . ,

Create a file named ""

  1. Importing the Libraries
                      import            bone      # For File Manipulations like become paths, rename              
from flask import Flask, flash, request, redirect, render_template
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename

2. Create an Example and check Extension

          app=Flask(__name__)          app.secret_key =            "hugger-mugger key" # for encrypting the session                    #It will let beneath 16MB contents simply, you can change it
app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024
path = os.getcwd()
# file Upload
UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.path.join(path, 'uploads')
# Make directory if "uploads" binder not exists
if not os.path.isdir(UPLOAD_FOLDER):
app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']) def allowed_file(filename):
return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[i].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS

3. App routing and Awarding running

def upload_form():
return render_template('upload.html')

@app.road('/', methods=['Postal service'])
def upload_file():
if asking.method == 'POST':

if 'files[]' not in request.files:
flash('No file part')
return redirect(asking.url)

files = request.files.getlist('files[]')

for file in files:
if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
filename = secure_filename(file.filename) together(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))

wink('File(s) successfully uploaded')
return redirect('/')

if __name__ == "__main__":'',port=5000,debug=Simulated,threaded=Truthful)

4. Template Creation

Create a Folder named "templates" and create a file "upload.html" which should be inside the "templates" folder.


          <!doctype html>          <title>Python Flask Multiple Files Upload Case</title>          <h2>Select file(southward) to upload</h2>          <p>          {% with letters = get_flashed_messages() %}          {% if messages %}          <ul form=flashes>          {% for message in letters %}          <li>{{ message }}</li>          {% endfor %}          </ul>          {% endif %}          {% endwith %}          </p>          <class method="mail" activity="/" enctype="multipart/grade-information">          <dl>          <p>          <input type="file" name="files[]" multiple="true" autocomplete="off" required>          </p>          </dl>          <p>          <input type="submit" value="Submit">          </p>          </form>        

Listen Waving??? Here is the full lawmaking


Running the Application

Run the Awarding past running "python". Go to browser and type "http://localhost:5000", you volition see "upload files" in browser.

Flask Multiple files upload

Output of the Flask Multiple files uploads in "uploads" binder

If I upload different file rather than txt, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, gif blazon of extension. The file will not be accepted . .,

Allowed file contents

The complete code is uploaded to the following GitHub repository

Single File Upload using Flask !!! checkout

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Thank you,

Bala Murugan N M

How To Upload More Than One File Python,


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